Welcome to Headingley Café Scientifique!
Cafe Scientifique
Cafe Scientifique is a place where, for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology. Meetings take place around the world in cafes, bars, restaurants and even theatres, but always outside a traditional academic context.
For general enquiries about Cafe Scientifique, email Cafe Sci.
About Us

Headingley Café Scientifique holds regular monthly meetings to hear eminent speakers on all things scientific.
The events are very popular with lively discussion and informative talks. Topics are always relevant, cutting edge and up-to-date. They are often taken from a wider global discussion.
You can also get a drink at the bar at the interval or after the meeting.
All are welcome. The Café is held at The New Headingley Club on St Michael’s Road.
For information on topics please check the Meetings pages for updates or for more information join our email list from the Contact section.
Entry to each event is usually £4


You can:
Email us at: hdtcafesci@gmail.com
Join our Mailing List
Venue Details
New Headingley Club,
56 St Michael’s Road,
Leeds LS6 3BG
Tel: 0113 2757712 (for info on venue)
Future Events

Monday 10th March 2025
Quantum Computing
By Jiannis Pachos
Monday 14th April 2025
Why do my joints hurt and will anything help them?
By Philip Conaghan
Monday 12th May 2025
Catching Radicals in our Atmosphere
By Dwayne Heard